Sunday, March 6, 2016

Warm arms embrace me
tears drip onto my shoulder
and the darkness engulfs the family 
who went through
what I thought would be an internal time 
worth of perseverance and companionship 
with me. 
There will no longer be 
spontaneous sprints to catch a twilight bus
and ascend a building many people call home.
No more nightly binges of terribly addicting tv shows
cuddle puddles
and sneaking creamy deliciousness into our room to devour. 
No more soggy sandwiches.
But I would be wrong to say 
that there will no longer be days filled with
sweet smelling air,
your heart pounding as you hold someone close,
the thrum in your ears of your
footsteps hitting the pavement
as you run to meet your next challenge.
Those opportunities are always there,
you just have to take them.
You've changed me
you've changed my life.